Bali Travel Attractions Map and Things to do in Bali: Traditional Balinese Nutrient : Lawar

People loves to eat, who doesn't eh? "jk*

Based on my previous writing near Bali, i volition immediately sharing near traditional balinese Food called Lawar.

What is LAWAR? Any of u recall near bat or 'kelelawar' ?'s far plenty from that animal. Basically Lawar is a traditional Balinese cuisine that include vegetables filled amongst minced nub mixed amongst spices. Meat that commonly purpose is pork, chicken, or beef. Served amongst rice or consume yesteryear its self.
Photo from Google

Nowadays many type of Lawar had been made. There are Lawar merah, Lawar isi, Lawar Putih, etc.  It's called Lawar Merah because it color is red..mixed amongst blood ( chicken commonly ), spell Lawar Putih is contrary of Lawar Merah, it contains no blood. Lawar Isi agency there's but contains amongst nub solely in addition to non mixed amongst whatsoever vegetables.

If you're a vegetarian in addition to didn't consume nub there's too Lawar Pepaya that yous mightiness tried.



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