Indonesia Attractions: Borobudur Temple Mystery - Indonesia

 Borobudur is 1 of the wonders of the earth are located inwards Republic of Indonesia Beautiful <a href=Bali IslandAttractions: BOROBUDUR TEMPLE MYSTERY - INDONESIA" border="0" src="" height="213" title="Beautiful Bali IslandAttractions: BOROBUDUR TEMPLE MYSTERY - INDONESIA" width="400" />

Borobudur is 1 of the wonders of the earth are located inwards Indonesia. The ancient edifice which was built yesteryear the Sailendra dynasty betwixt the years 750-842 AD, many stores the history as well as mystery inwards it.

                              Borobudur is 1 of the wonders of the earth are located inwards Republic of Indonesia Beautiful <a href=Bali IslandAttractions: BOROBUDUR TEMPLE MYSTERY - INDONESIA" border="0" src="" height="397" title="Beautiful Bali IslandAttractions: BOROBUDUR TEMPLE MYSTERY - INDONESIA" width="400" />
Borobudur Temple edifice expanse is 123 x 123 one thousand with a edifice elevation of 34.5 one thousand as well as has 1460 relief, 504 Buddha statues, as well as 72 stupas. Borobudur has x levels. x grade consists of vi levels of a square, circular grade iii circular, as well as a primary stupa every bit a peak. And constructed yesteryear using the +/- 55,000 m3 of rock.

From the start starting fourth dimension to stand upward up to this moment, Borobudur has buy the farm a tourist attraction for families as well as historical education.

Unique mathematically
Architecture of Borobudur is unique mathematically. Some reveal of edifice Borobudur, when added together the numbers volition e'er attain a figure 1. The calculation of the emergence of figure 1 inwards every Borobudur temple architecture are every bit follows:

- The reveal of levels of Borobudur is 10, figures when added together effect inwards a 10: 1 + 0 = 1.

- The reveal of stupas inwards arupadhatu which at that spot be statues: 32 + 24 + xvi + 1 = 73, reveal 73 when added together result: x as well as every bit to a higher house 1 + 0 = 1.

- The reveal of sculptures inwards Borobudur total of 505 pieces. If the figures inwards it are summed, the effect is five + 0 + five = x as well as besides every bit to a higher house 1 + 0 = 1.

 Borobudur is 1 of the wonders of the earth are located inwards Republic of Indonesia Beautiful <a href=Bali IslandAttractions: BOROBUDUR TEMPLE MYSTERY - INDONESIA" border="0" src="" height="300" title="Beautiful Bali IslandAttractions: BOROBUDUR TEMPLE MYSTERY - INDONESIA" width="400" />

Founded alongside the ancient lake
Geological facts dikemukaan yesteryear researchers stated that around Borobudur are salty H2O wells alone at certainly points. It is estimated that Borobudur is a edifice that was founded alongside the ancient lake. Given the peculiarities of the many scientists from abroad came to investigate the mysterious lake with researching diverse things that be around similar a river Progo as well as the Elo river.
 Borobudur is 1 of the wonders of the earth are located inwards Republic of Indonesia Beautiful <a href=Bali IslandAttractions: BOROBUDUR TEMPLE MYSTERY - INDONESIA" border="0" src="" height="305" title="Beautiful Bali IslandAttractions: BOROBUDUR TEMPLE MYSTERY - INDONESIA" width="400" />

Construction of the temple
Borobudur is a well-known temple crowds from all over the world. They flocked to seek to know the ins as well as outs of this edifice because the seven wonders of the earth are remarkable. However, although many scientists are researching the origins of Borobudur, no 1 or whatsoever source that is able to uncover how this Borobudur temple construction. The emergence of diverse allegations regarding the structure of the temple which until of late were non known to hold upward truthful is a large enquiry grade for the populace until now.

 Borobudur is 1 of the wonders of the earth are located inwards Republic of Indonesia Beautiful <a href=Bali IslandAttractions: BOROBUDUR TEMPLE MYSTERY - INDONESIA" border="0" src="" height="272" title="Beautiful Bali IslandAttractions: BOROBUDUR TEMPLE MYSTERY - INDONESIA" width="400" />

Architecture owned yesteryear the Borobudur Temple is alone 1 inwards the world, namely Borobudur itself. This is the excess of Borobudur which makes it real hard to predict the manufacturing building. Pyramid owned Borobudur Temple is non the same every bit the giant pyramids inwards Arab Republic of Egypt or the Pyramids of Teotihuacan inwards Mexico. Borobudur pyramid kepunden staircase volition never hold upward flora or held inwards whatsoever percentage or country

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