[[intro]] hello everyone back back again in recaptern this time we will eat snack (not a snake) yes so we usually eat rice

bali tapu, yesterday ate seblak then eat chicken and then eating noodles and this time we will eat something different
we will eat snack so this is it maybe you have ever seen it on instagram or on youtube and these are spicy ones that are not so spicy lets try it now [[trying to open]] so there is there is sambal matah, this is the original sambal matah then there is
greeting card like this what else is there then there's the chips so in the package there is another package it's a bit of a bother because sent from bali then there is wet wipes if our hands dirty after eating this sauce we can use this to clean
we try the original first [[puncture]] hmm the smell is the smell of homemade sauce so this sauce we've open so this is sauce mushy and really greasy we try the sauce first
hmm nice this so in this sauce there it is salty, i don’t know what it is maybe salt right? then there's the onion of course there was a onion because i can feel it then there is the chili too because it's a bit spicy
yes even though this is not really spicy maybe can be said not spicy at all it will be good if us it in rice instead this we open the chips themselves [[trying to open well]] i cant so this its already open and the contents are pretty much
it could be half of it pretty much the air is less but this is good if the air is less we immediately try, smell it this smell is like potato chips but this is cassava try to lick it first so here is
there is salty and this is really thin really thin right because this is thin and it is not hard besides salty and slightly sweet too and there is like orange leaves taste now we try with sauce we try a little first
less noticeable okay dipping with this sauce is more delicious but for me it become mare salty i prefer sauce is with rice this is eaten directly this is really good
okay now we go on the second one we will open this one this is usually the one that is often used to challenge and we try if this is really spicy or not [[use power]] open brutally it looks same like the previous one
there is sauce and also the shape is same no difference from outside but do not know what it taste and there are greeting cards as well then there there is and again it's a dent and again there is wet wipes again
upside down now we open the sauce we will compare with the previous one how spicy it is this sauce we've open if from the color this seems the same with green color and but there chili pieces different from the one that has no chili pieces
we try sauce first yep this is more spicy but actually this same as the previous one this is less spicy still salty too there was a rod and yes there is chili and may have chili
what chili is that? a rather large chili but for me this is not spicy but how about this if smell the smell is same no different from the previous it smells like the smell of potatoes still thin and this looks good too so this is same just more spicy
[[crunchy]] so that is this red variant "sambal matah gila" yes "sambal matah gila" do you know snack 500 idr whose name is "kripset" the taste is like it this just thicker than kripset
and this we get homemade sauce as well i think this is not spicy but we do not know if we finish it now we try to use sauce have not tried to use sauce right? with sauce this is the sauce although dip with sauce spicy so slightly reduced instead
because the sauce is salty spicy even gone but i'm curious i think it's the same? yes i think the sauce is same what is it like? a little different or little spicy difference just i think its same no difference between the with "sambal matah gila" and "sambal matah bali"
but we try finish it first right maybe this is really spicy so this snack itself just came out and this is from bali and because this is from bali so in the other big cities it does not exist yet still a little bit including in jakarta for you in jakarta may have been there but still expensive and
still few who selling it therefore i buy this online five days this arrive this one packet it bought 25 thousand rupiahs maybe somewhere else there are more expensive or cheaper you can search it then you can find it [[hear crisp sound]]
lets eat just the sauce salty very salty when in eat as it so i think this is not spicy not too spicy and i will not cry this is because from bali i ordered from bali directly and this seems the chips break so eating this will be difficult
it is cracked so if you want dip its a bit difficult i have another idea because this chips cracked and hard to dip then this will i mix directly into it yap sauce already finish here's the sauce here if you can see and this is a sauce right
this is the last one small fractions this is the use of tissue yes so we eat clean and finish this is over finish right running low and the sauce is finish too
now we drink where is the drink okay i just start to drink because it still full right if it stops spicy come but will not make me cry, don’t worry so the spicy is on the lips not in the tongue but on the lips
so so the lesson we can take from this video is we should not underestimate something whatever it is because could be silent but suddenly attack from behind just like this its okay when i eat it
but when stop my lips is on fire okay see you in the next video do not forget to like and write your comments below next week or in the next video what we will eat and also do not forget to subscribe because that would be very helpful to me you can write your comments below
you guys have a food recommendation which we will try write it down bellow okay okay see you in the next video and dadaaaaa [[spilled chili bloopers]] puncture don’t forget to puncture retry did you see it
here wah i spill it

[[intro]] hello everyone back back again in recaptern this time we will eat snack (not a snake) yes so we usually eat rice

bali tapu, yesterday ate seblak then eat chicken and then eating noodles and this time we will eat something different
we will eat snack so this is it maybe you have ever seen it on instagram or on youtube and these are spicy ones that are not so spicy lets try it now [[trying to open]] so there is there is sambal matah, this is the original sambal matah then there is
greeting card like this what else is there then there's the chips so in the package there is another package it's a bit of a bother because sent from bali then there is wet wipes if our hands dirty after eating this sauce we can use this to clean
we try the original first [[puncture]] hmm the smell is the smell of homemade sauce so this sauce we've open so this is sauce mushy and really greasy we try the sauce first
hmm nice this so in this sauce there it is salty, i don’t know what it is maybe salt right? then there's the onion of course there was a onion because i can feel it then there is the chili too because it's a bit spicy
yes even though this is not really spicy maybe can be said not spicy at all it will be good if us it in rice instead this we open the chips themselves [[trying to open well]] i cant so this its already open and the contents are pretty much
it could be half of it pretty much the air is less but this is good if the air is less we immediately try, smell it this smell is like potato chips but this is cassava try to lick it first so here is
there is salty and this is really thin really thin right because this is thin and it is not hard besides salty and slightly sweet too and there is like orange leaves taste now we try with sauce we try a little first
less noticeable okay dipping with this sauce is more delicious but for me it become mare salty i prefer sauce is with rice this is eaten directly this is really good
okay now we go on the second one we will open this one this is usually the one that is often used to challenge and we try if this is really spicy or not [[use power]] open brutally it looks same like the previous one
there is sauce and also the shape is same no difference from outside but do not know what it taste and there are greeting cards as well then there there is and again it's a dent and again there is wet wipes again
upside down now we open the sauce we will compare with the previous one how spicy it is this sauce we've open if from the color this seems the same with green color and but there chili pieces different from the one that has no chili pieces
we try sauce first yep this is more spicy but actually this same as the previous one this is less spicy still salty too there was a rod and yes there is chili and may have chili
what chili is that? a rather large chili but for me this is not spicy but how about this if smell the smell is same no different from the previous it smells like the smell of potatoes still thin and this looks good too so this is same just more spicy
[[crunchy]] so that is this red variant "sambal matah gila" yes "sambal matah gila" do you know snack 500 idr whose name is "kripset" the taste is like it this just thicker than kripset
and this we get homemade sauce as well i think this is not spicy but we do not know if we finish it now we try to use sauce have not tried to use sauce right? with sauce this is the sauce although dip with sauce spicy so slightly reduced instead
because the sauce is salty spicy even gone but i'm curious i think it's the same? yes i think the sauce is same what is it like? a little different or little spicy difference just i think its same no difference between the with "sambal matah gila" and "sambal matah bali"
but we try finish it first right maybe this is really spicy so this snack itself just came out and this is from bali and because this is from bali so in the other big cities it does not exist yet still a little bit including in jakarta for you in jakarta may have been there but still expensive and
still few who selling it therefore i buy this online five days this arrive this one packet it bought 25 thousand rupiahs maybe somewhere else there are more expensive or cheaper you can search it then you can find it [[hear crisp sound]]
lets eat just the sauce salty very salty when in eat as it so i think this is not spicy not too spicy and i will not cry this is because from bali i ordered from bali directly and this seems the chips break so eating this will be difficult
it is cracked so if you want dip its a bit difficult i have another idea because this chips cracked and hard to dip then this will i mix directly into it yap sauce already finish here's the sauce here if you can see and this is a sauce right
this is the last one small fractions this is the use of tissue yes so we eat clean and finish this is over finish right running low and the sauce is finish too
now we drink where is the drink okay i just start to drink because it still full right if it stops spicy come but will not make me cry, don’t worry so the spicy is on the lips not in the tongue but on the lips
so so the lesson we can take from this video is we should not underestimate something whatever it is because could be silent but suddenly attack from behind just like this its okay when i eat it
but when stop my lips is on fire okay see you in the next video do not forget to like and write your comments below next week or in the next video what we will eat and also do not forget to subscribe because that would be very helpful to me you can write your comments below
you guys have a food recommendation which we will try write it down bellow okay okay see you in the next video and dadaaaaa [[spilled chili bloopers]] puncture don’t forget to puncture retry did you see it
here wah i spill it