hey everybody welcome back to bali indonesia one of my favorite places. today, i'm planning on driving the scooter i rented into the mountains hopefully see some rice terraces. maybe a waterfall. maybe get lost, maybe get caught in the rain i don't know the possibilities are endless. i actually invited some of the friends that i made here to go with me but they're either working or they're sleeping in. but that's all part of solo travel is that you have to love your own company

bali culture, to do adventures when no one else will do them with you. otherwise i would just never have fun anyway, it's already later than i want it to be so let's go do the thing here is my trusty scooter this thing's gonna get me where i need to go.
you may be wondering why i'm wearing long sleeves in the balinese heat well partly due to protect myself from the sun while on the bike but it's mostly to cover my white skin so that the cops don't pull me over they'd like to do that here in bali to make sure that the foreigners are driving legally you gotta make sure i'm headed in the right direction. looks like i'm good gotta fuel up made it to the outskirts of denpasar i already got some rice fields going on, but this is nothing compared to where i'm going i think. it's like a two-hour drive there, so hopefully it's worth it
it's starting to drizzle, i think it's time to switch out my shirt for a rain jacket of course the sun starts shining as soon as i put it on here's my turn typical that the road would turn out like this we have mountains putting it on again weather changes instantaneously here i just paid forty thousand rupiah to get into this area which is about three dollars. so far, it's pretty good check this out so i made it to my destination
jatiluwih. this is just a famous place for a lot of rice terraces, and you can see how beautiful it is unfortunately, it's a little dark with all the rain clouds, but i'm not getting too wet yet. hopefully our luck stays up with that this is a place where there's several walking tracks just all the way through the terraces. don't think you can just roam freely but you can stay on these paths and get even better views of the place gorgeous. how beautiful is this? let's keep walking one thing i really like about this place is that it is not very touristy yeah, there are some tourists here, but i mean take a look around
it it's just me and the locals. oh, and the cows cows are in the barn this is nothing like the rice terraces in ubud which is like 50 kilometers that way that are just swarming with tourists and just hard to appreciate it as much so there's this walking path that goes kind of all around the rice paddies, and then it comes right to a temple. it is closed right now, so i can't see it, but it's kind of cool these tigers are cool
rawr and there's this really loud dog that just won't shut up for some reason so, i just made a huge circle around this place it really is very beautiful. definitely worth the drive and the cover charge now that i've seen the rice terraces. i'm gonna see if i can find a waterfall now there's a little parade going on here some hindu ritual first rule of videography is always come prepared. i did not do that today unfortunately and my gopro just ran out of battery so i'm using my phone right now anyway here we are in the middle of nowhere
to get to this waterfall we had to take this two-track thing i still haven't found it yet. i think i have another couple of kilometers to go, so let's try it so i'm parking my bike here because the track is really getting undriveable and it's reminding me of the sekumpul adventure where it's a single track, but this time no one's here to find me if i, you know, die or something. and i don't know if i'm on the right road don't know if i made a wrong turn or what so it's an adventure. so actually this way turned out to be a dead end so
not quite sure what i'm gonna do now. maybe try one or two more ways. if not i'll just call it a day because it's gonna get dark out pretty soon so what happened is i tried another turn off but that also turned out to be a dead end and it really started pouring at that time as well, so i'm like you know what, it's really late and it's raining for like the 7th time today and i'm just ready to go back now i'm also waiting for the rain to stop and for me to dry up and get a little warmer i i got soaked. so i didn't get to finish my adventure, but you know what, i think getting lost is all a part of it and
that's what i did today so, success

hey everybody welcome back to bali indonesia one of my favorite places. today, i'm planning on driving the scooter i rented into the mountains hopefully see some rice terraces. maybe a waterfall. maybe get lost, maybe get caught in the rain i don't know the possibilities are endless. i actually invited some of the friends that i made here to go with me but they're either working or they're sleeping in. but that's all part of solo travel is that you have to love your own company

bali culture, to do adventures when no one else will do them with you. otherwise i would just never have fun anyway, it's already later than i want it to be so let's go do the thing here is my trusty scooter this thing's gonna get me where i need to go.
you may be wondering why i'm wearing long sleeves in the balinese heat well partly due to protect myself from the sun while on the bike but it's mostly to cover my white skin so that the cops don't pull me over they'd like to do that here in bali to make sure that the foreigners are driving legally you gotta make sure i'm headed in the right direction. looks like i'm good gotta fuel up made it to the outskirts of denpasar i already got some rice fields going on, but this is nothing compared to where i'm going i think. it's like a two-hour drive there, so hopefully it's worth it
it's starting to drizzle, i think it's time to switch out my shirt for a rain jacket of course the sun starts shining as soon as i put it on here's my turn typical that the road would turn out like this we have mountains putting it on again weather changes instantaneously here i just paid forty thousand rupiah to get into this area which is about three dollars. so far, it's pretty good check this out so i made it to my destination
jatiluwih. this is just a famous place for a lot of rice terraces, and you can see how beautiful it is unfortunately, it's a little dark with all the rain clouds, but i'm not getting too wet yet. hopefully our luck stays up with that this is a place where there's several walking tracks just all the way through the terraces. don't think you can just roam freely but you can stay on these paths and get even better views of the place gorgeous. how beautiful is this? let's keep walking one thing i really like about this place is that it is not very touristy yeah, there are some tourists here, but i mean take a look around
it it's just me and the locals. oh, and the cows cows are in the barn this is nothing like the rice terraces in ubud which is like 50 kilometers that way that are just swarming with tourists and just hard to appreciate it as much so there's this walking path that goes kind of all around the rice paddies, and then it comes right to a temple. it is closed right now, so i can't see it, but it's kind of cool these tigers are cool
rawr and there's this really loud dog that just won't shut up for some reason so, i just made a huge circle around this place it really is very beautiful. definitely worth the drive and the cover charge now that i've seen the rice terraces. i'm gonna see if i can find a waterfall now there's a little parade going on here some hindu ritual first rule of videography is always come prepared. i did not do that today unfortunately and my gopro just ran out of battery so i'm using my phone right now anyway here we are in the middle of nowhere
to get to this waterfall we had to take this two-track thing i still haven't found it yet. i think i have another couple of kilometers to go, so let's try it so i'm parking my bike here because the track is really getting undriveable and it's reminding me of the sekumpul adventure where it's a single track, but this time no one's here to find me if i, you know, die or something. and i don't know if i'm on the right road don't know if i made a wrong turn or what so it's an adventure. so actually this way turned out to be a dead end so
not quite sure what i'm gonna do now. maybe try one or two more ways. if not i'll just call it a day because it's gonna get dark out pretty soon so what happened is i tried another turn off but that also turned out to be a dead end and it really started pouring at that time as well, so i'm like you know what, it's really late and it's raining for like the 7th time today and i'm just ready to go back now i'm also waiting for the rain to stop and for me to dry up and get a little warmer i i got soaked. so i didn't get to finish my adventure, but you know what, i think getting lost is all a part of it and
that's what i did today so, success