bali bali

bali bali - Best Place to Travel

good morning guys, it's saturday and it isour last saturday in bali. we leave on monday. so today we are heading out for lunch andthen i am gonna go and do some dress shopping. there is lots of really good shopping herein bali. you can get some really really pretty stufffor really cheap.

bali bali

bali bali, i need to get a dress, i need to get pants...maybewe will see if i can get like something else depending on how money goes. do you have any predictions? uh, yes.

too much. yes, i've already been told that he is expectingme to come home with far too much money, and i was actually saying the other day -too many clothes, not too much money. freudian slip! are you stealing clothes? maybe i will come back with too much money! yes, i've already been told that he is expectingme to come back with more items than i am allowed to get because i -not that you are allowed to get, that you say you want and need.

yeah, i do want and need things, i do. like, ok, i love this dress right, you'veseen me wear it before, this one. but, it keeps tearing, like it's getting oldso like i actually really i will get like tears down the middle of it and stuff. i am going to leave it here because it's obviouslyon it's last legs but i need a dress to replace it and he believes i will come with more thanone dress so we will see. i saw that. anyway, enough of that, let's actually goand do this. i'm not going dress shopping.

no. oh yeah, i'm leaving him at the bar to watchthe footy while i go dress shopping. oh no, how awful! darling! what's in there? do you want to get in the bin? ok so we are at barb's now and just havinglunch and i have mie goreng with tofu which is really nice here. i'm going now.

ok. stay here in husband creche, alright? bye. so i'm heading down to hardy's first becausethey have a ton of clothing there and it's all labelled, so i want to get an idea ofwhat their prices are like before i go and barter on the street. also i'll show you more of my dress right,so there's my dress and here's my shoes. hang on, i'm gonna turn the camera around. so here's my shoes.

so they're nice and strappy right, and ok,the thing is i'm not a girly girl. like, please don't think just coz i'm goingdress shopping today that i'm actually into this stuff. like look at my hair and how frizzy it is. every day i don't wear make up. i've got mascara on today just coz i feltlike it. i have earrings on but usually when i"m, youknow, doing my computer stuff i don't have any on. yeah, i am not a girly girl.

i own three pairs of shoes. these strappy ones, runners and walking sandals. because i have a fair bit of ground to covertoday, husband dearest suggested that i put my walking sandals on. but i'm wearing a dress. like, you don't wear walking sandals witha dress. so i have to wear my strappies. so they're not the comfiest but i have towear them. you understand, ladies.

ok, i'm in hardy's now so i'm looking at allthe clothing stuff on the bottom floor but the entire top floor is all clothing so i'mgoing to head up there as well. i've been taking a look at this dress basicallyevery time we've come upstairs in the whole two months we've been here. like, look at it. how pretty is it! and this one here's pretty good too. i don't know how much they are though. ok, 73, that's not bad!

that was very interesting. some of the dresses were pricier than i expectedand others were way cheaper. so i'm just actually heading down to the beachnow. we'll see, i hope it's not too windy on thebeach. we'll just see how it goes. hello karyn! hi, hi sarah! how are you? i'm good, how are you?

yes, thank you very much you know to cometo my shop. oh, my pleasure! i was on my way to the beach and i met sarahso now i'm in her shop looking at all her beautiful clothes. all my friends on facebook, they know thati'm shopping and they want to see what i'm looking at. yes, and then you can show off mine, you know! yeah, of course! yeah.

and i give you my card. yes, thank you! so sarah and me just found out she lives rightalmost next to where i'm staying. behind to bawa, yeah! yeah! the lila, that one. behind the temple, behind the temple mine! so there is lila and the temple... lila, you can see, because on the top youcan see the temple there, this is my place!

aw, that is so cool. i was meant to come here. ok guys i'm also shopping for my niece andnephew. hopefully, to my sister if you are watchingthis one, hmmmm, which one do you like better? ok so this is what i'm getting, so i'm gettingthe little one for my niece. and this for you. and this top is for me. oh yes. ok, i spent far too much there, far too much.

so now i have to, with the money i have lefti have to get a top for my nephew and a dress for myself. what i'm gonna do now, i'm gonna head downthe beach. there was a shop that i wanted to look atbut to be honest with you, i'm worried that i don't have enough money now so i'm gonnago to this place where the woman told me last weekend or the weekend before that she haddresses for $5. so fingers crossed. let's go see if i can find her. i just remembered also, i was supposed tobuy a pair of pants.

oops. ok, they all drive a hard bargain. so yeah, i think i have found the best pricethough. i don't want to cause trouble with the girls. the lady who has the best price, she's actuallynot at her shop at the moment so her mum has gone to find her and i'm actually hiding sothat the other women, because they walk up and down the beach, i don't want them to seeme because i told them that i would come back to them and i don't want them to be mad atthis girl. so yeah, just waiting.

ok guys, this is the one i've gone with. so just imagine i'm not wearing another dressunderneath. and this is 100k. yes. very good. the best price i've found on the beach. shop 87. and here's the lovely jess. miss crazy jess.

well i hope you guys like the dress that igot because i certainly do. the $5 dresses that i thought were up theother end of the beach, the lady who first quoted me $5 a couple of weeks ago, she wasnow saying like 250,000 which is $25. so, yeah. and i thought, oh i'm not going to even bargaincos i don't know if you're going to come down that much so, yeah. but then i found jess. the dresses that she is selling there for100k are beautiful, absolutely beautiful. so what i'm doing now, i'm walking actuallyback through besakih to the main street.

not a bad haul for what i've spent. i'm gonna go back to the main street becausei saw a really cute little singlet that i want to get for my nephew and i hope i haveenough money. if not i'm sure that we will be able to findthe extra, so yeah i'm just gonna go see if i can find that and i'm not going to be ableto get myself pants. that's ok, i'll just have to get some cheapones in melbourne. all things considered i think, yeah, not abad day. ok so i picked the taller half up from husbandcreche, i don't know where he is now and we found the little singlet that i was lookingat before.

here it is. cute! ok guys, so here's my dress so i'll step backa little bit. so that's what it looks like without anotherdress underneath it. so yeah. i think i need to adjust the straps a bitto make it look a bit better around the boobs but it's really comfortable. it's so comfortable and that's what i wanted,just like a comfy summer dress so yeah. anyway if you enjoyed going on this littleshopping trip with me please hit the like

button. please comment, let me know what you thought. subscribe if you haven't already and followme on all my social media which is down below and i'll see you next time. bye!

good morning guys, it's saturday and it isour last saturday in bali. we leave on monday. so today we are heading out for lunch andthen i am gonna go and do some dress shopping. there is lots of really good shopping herein bali. you can get some really really pretty stufffor really cheap.

bali bali

bali bali, i need to get a dress, i need to get pants...maybewe will see if i can get like something else depending on how money goes. do you have any predictions? uh, yes.

too much. yes, i've already been told that he is expectingme to come home with far too much money, and i was actually saying the other day -too many clothes, not too much money. freudian slip! are you stealing clothes? maybe i will come back with too much money! yes, i've already been told that he is expectingme to come back with more items than i am allowed to get because i -not that you are allowed to get, that you say you want and need.

yeah, i do want and need things, i do. like, ok, i love this dress right, you'veseen me wear it before, this one. but, it keeps tearing, like it's getting oldso like i actually really i will get like tears down the middle of it and stuff. i am going to leave it here because it's obviouslyon it's last legs but i need a dress to replace it and he believes i will come with more thanone dress so we will see. i saw that. anyway, enough of that, let's actually goand do this. i'm not going dress shopping.

no. oh yeah, i'm leaving him at the bar to watchthe footy while i go dress shopping. oh no, how awful! darling! what's in there? do you want to get in the bin? ok so we are at barb's now and just havinglunch and i have mie goreng with tofu which is really nice here. i'm going now.

ok. stay here in husband creche, alright? bye. so i'm heading down to hardy's first becausethey have a ton of clothing there and it's all labelled, so i want to get an idea ofwhat their prices are like before i go and barter on the street. also i'll show you more of my dress right,so there's my dress and here's my shoes. hang on, i'm gonna turn the camera around. so here's my shoes.

so they're nice and strappy right, and ok,the thing is i'm not a girly girl. like, please don't think just coz i'm goingdress shopping today that i'm actually into this stuff. like look at my hair and how frizzy it is. every day i don't wear make up. i've got mascara on today just coz i feltlike it. i have earrings on but usually when i"m, youknow, doing my computer stuff i don't have any on. yeah, i am not a girly girl.

i own three pairs of shoes. these strappy ones, runners and walking sandals. because i have a fair bit of ground to covertoday, husband dearest suggested that i put my walking sandals on. but i'm wearing a dress. like, you don't wear walking sandals witha dress. so i have to wear my strappies. so they're not the comfiest but i have towear them. you understand, ladies.

ok, i'm in hardy's now so i'm looking at allthe clothing stuff on the bottom floor but the entire top floor is all clothing so i'mgoing to head up there as well. i've been taking a look at this dress basicallyevery time we've come upstairs in the whole two months we've been here. like, look at it. how pretty is it! and this one here's pretty good too. i don't know how much they are though. ok, 73, that's not bad!

that was very interesting. some of the dresses were pricier than i expectedand others were way cheaper. so i'm just actually heading down to the beachnow. we'll see, i hope it's not too windy on thebeach. we'll just see how it goes. hello karyn! hi, hi sarah! how are you? i'm good, how are you?

yes, thank you very much you know to cometo my shop. oh, my pleasure! i was on my way to the beach and i met sarahso now i'm in her shop looking at all her beautiful clothes. all my friends on facebook, they know thati'm shopping and they want to see what i'm looking at. yes, and then you can show off mine, you know! yeah, of course! yeah.

and i give you my card. yes, thank you! so sarah and me just found out she lives rightalmost next to where i'm staying. behind to bawa, yeah! yeah! the lila, that one. behind the temple, behind the temple mine! so there is lila and the temple... lila, you can see, because on the top youcan see the temple there, this is my place!

aw, that is so cool. i was meant to come here. ok guys i'm also shopping for my niece andnephew. hopefully, to my sister if you are watchingthis one, hmmmm, which one do you like better? ok so this is what i'm getting, so i'm gettingthe little one for my niece. and this for you. and this top is for me. oh yes. ok, i spent far too much there, far too much.

so now i have to, with the money i have lefti have to get a top for my nephew and a dress for myself. what i'm gonna do now, i'm gonna head downthe beach. there was a shop that i wanted to look atbut to be honest with you, i'm worried that i don't have enough money now so i'm gonnago to this place where the woman told me last weekend or the weekend before that she haddresses for $5. so fingers crossed. let's go see if i can find her. i just remembered also, i was supposed tobuy a pair of pants.

oops. ok, they all drive a hard bargain. so yeah, i think i have found the best pricethough. i don't want to cause trouble with the girls. the lady who has the best price, she's actuallynot at her shop at the moment so her mum has gone to find her and i'm actually hiding sothat the other women, because they walk up and down the beach, i don't want them to seeme because i told them that i would come back to them and i don't want them to be mad atthis girl. so yeah, just waiting.

ok guys, this is the one i've gone with. so just imagine i'm not wearing another dressunderneath. and this is 100k. yes. very good. the best price i've found on the beach. shop 87. and here's the lovely jess. miss crazy jess.

well i hope you guys like the dress that igot because i certainly do. the $5 dresses that i thought were up theother end of the beach, the lady who first quoted me $5 a couple of weeks ago, she wasnow saying like 250,000 which is $25. so, yeah. and i thought, oh i'm not going to even bargaincos i don't know if you're going to come down that much so, yeah. but then i found jess. the dresses that she is selling there for100k are beautiful, absolutely beautiful. so what i'm doing now, i'm walking actuallyback through besakih to the main street.

not a bad haul for what i've spent. i'm gonna go back to the main street becausei saw a really cute little singlet that i want to get for my nephew and i hope i haveenough money. if not i'm sure that we will be able to findthe extra, so yeah i'm just gonna go see if i can find that and i'm not going to be ableto get myself pants. that's ok, i'll just have to get some cheapones in melbourne. all things considered i think, yeah, not abad day. ok so i picked the taller half up from husbandcreche, i don't know where he is now and we found the little singlet that i was lookingat before.

here it is. cute! ok guys, so here's my dress so i'll step backa little bit. so that's what it looks like without anotherdress underneath it. so yeah. i think i need to adjust the straps a bitto make it look a bit better around the boobs but it's really comfortable. it's so comfortable and that's what i wanted,just like a comfy summer dress so yeah. anyway if you enjoyed going on this littleshopping trip with me please hit the like

button. please comment, let me know what you thought. subscribe if you haven't already and followme on all my social media which is down below and i'll see you next time. bye!

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