bali area

bali area - Best Place to Travel

the yellowstone super-volcano can explode at any time. it is in the us and has the dimensions of a large city - 50 by 70 kilometers the ruins of the crater of the super volcano were discovered only 50 years ago it turned out that under the crater is a huge bubble of magma the depth of this bubble is 8 km, its temperature is 800 degrees

bali area

bali area, if all this explodes, then we say goodbye to youtube forever. in general, there are 1500 volcanoes on our planet someone has long since fallen asleep, and what else is still smoking and ready to explode when a volcanic eruption occurs, a large amount of molten magma leaves the surface of the earth

the eruption process can last from several hours to many years. if the volcanic eruption occurs in the sea, then a huge tsunami wave occurs. in addition to the usual volcanoes, there are also super volcanoes there are only 20 of them on our planet the eruption of such a super volcano will change the climate on the whole planet the atmosphere will take off so much dust that the sunlight can not get on the ground for decades nuclear winter will begin on average, such volcanoes erupt once in 100,000 years the last time this happened 73 thousand years ago

then on the whole planet there are only 10 000 people volcanoes are not only on our planet. the largest volcano of the solar system is on mars its height is 21 kilometers in short, if you look out the window of your house and see a volcano there - it's better to move away from it!

the yellowstone super-volcano can explode at any time. it is in the us and has the dimensions of a large city - 50 by 70 kilometers the ruins of the crater of the super volcano were discovered only 50 years ago it turned out that under the crater is a huge bubble of magma the depth of this bubble is 8 km, its temperature is 800 degrees

bali area

bali area, if all this explodes, then we say goodbye to youtube forever. in general, there are 1500 volcanoes on our planet someone has long since fallen asleep, and what else is still smoking and ready to explode when a volcanic eruption occurs, a large amount of molten magma leaves the surface of the earth

the eruption process can last from several hours to many years. if the volcanic eruption occurs in the sea, then a huge tsunami wave occurs. in addition to the usual volcanoes, there are also super volcanoes there are only 20 of them on our planet the eruption of such a super volcano will change the climate on the whole planet the atmosphere will take off so much dust that the sunlight can not get on the ground for decades nuclear winter will begin on average, such volcanoes erupt once in 100,000 years the last time this happened 73 thousand years ago

then on the whole planet there are only 10 000 people volcanoes are not only on our planet. the largest volcano of the solar system is on mars its height is 21 kilometers in short, if you look out the window of your house and see a volcano there - it's better to move away from it!

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