Forecast Weather in Bali in August 2013

Bali Weather Forecast Map : See detail Forecast Weather in Bali in August 2013 in this post !Usually Bali Travelers make preparation like book a flight ticket, hotel and  searching about Bali map, Bali weather including 7 day weather forecast plus Bali weather year round and climate before make a great vacation. If you have plan trip to Bali in August 2013, you should know about Forecast Weather in Bali in August 2013 before you visiting Bali.

Island of Gods Bali offerings world class surfing experience and diving, truly incredible sunbathing opportunities and plenty of views to explore. It’s flawless for those that want a resting beach holiday, as well as for those who desire a alert and active getaway.

August is usually the last of the ‘cool’ months weather in bali, but with temperatures reaching up to 31 °C and lowering only somewhat to 23 °C, it’s barely cold in Bali. These temperatures are generally more snug than the higher warms up at the starting and end of the year.

Complete Forecast Weather in Bali in August 2013
Forecast Weather in Bali in August 2013
Max Daytime Temperature (°C) = 31°C (91°F) Max Daytime Temperature in August 2013 in Bali (Denpasar)
Min Night-time Temperature (°C) = 23°C (73°F) Min Night-time Temperature in August 2013 in Bali (Denpasar)
Hours of Sunshine (Daily) = 10 Hours of Bright Sunshine per day (85% of Daylight Hours) in August 2013 in Bali (Denpasar)
Hours of Daylight (Daily) = 12 Hours of Daylight in August 2013 in Bali (Denpasar)
Heat and Humidity Discomfort = High Heat & Humidity in August 2013 in Bali (Denpasar)
Days with some Rainfall = 1 Day with some Rainfall in August 2013 in Bali (Denpasar)
Monthly Rainfall (mm) = 50 mm (2.0 inches) Monthly Rainfall in August 2013 in Bali (Denpasar)
UV Index (Maximum) = UV (Maximum) Index 11+ (Extreme) in August 2013 in Bali (Denpasar)
Sea Temperature (°C) = 27°C (81°F) Sea Temperature in August 2013 in Bali (Denpasar)

Weather in Bali in August 2013 with rainfall average 40mm meaning is the driest month of the year in Bali. Days will usually be sunny and brilliant, with only a couple of clouds in the direction of the end of the day, which is when the wash rooms happen. Weather in Bali in August 2013 will be low humidity and this is one of the best times to visiting Bali. Information about current weather in bali and Bali Indonesia weather year round/Bali monthly weather(weather in bali in january, weather in bali in february, weather in bali in march, weather in bali in april, weather in bali in may, weather in bali in june, weather in bali in july, weather in bali in august, weather in bali in september, weather in bali in october, weather in bali in november, weather in bali in december) also important for travelers who want visit Bali Island to vacation. See also detail Bali weather in May 2013

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