Forecast Info for Bali Weather in May 2013

Bali Weather Forecast Map : Knowing Forecast Info for Bali Weather in May 2013 is a must for Bali LoversIf you have plan vacation in Bali on May 2013 better you knowing about Bali weather including Bali weather forecast for May average, climate and also Bali weather year round. Knowing about Weather in Bali All Year Round especially May 2013 will gives the best indication of the weather in May 2013 and includes figures for temperature, sunshine and rainfall.

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Forecast Info for Bali Weather in May 2013
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Bali Weather in May 2013 especially temperatures variety from around 22 to 31°C in Bali. Just dropping short of the ‘hottest month of the year’ by a degree. Days are usually very pleasing for heat lovers, whereas it could be a bit painful overnight.
Following Summary of Forecast Info for Bali Weather in May 2013:
Max Daytime Temperature (°C)  = 31°C (88°F) in May 2013
Min Night-time Temperature (°C)  22°C (72°F) in May 2013
Hours of Sunshine (Daily)  10 Hours/ day in May 2013
Hours of Daylight (Daily)  12 Hours/ day in May 2013
Heat and Humidity Discomfort  Very High in May 2013
Days with some Rainfall  7 Days in May 2013
Monthly Rainfall (mm)  87 mm (3.4 inches) in May 2013
UV Index (Maximum)  10 (Very High) in May 2013
Sea Temperature (°C)  29°C (84°F) in May 2013

The day season extends in May. Rainfall lets slip even farther to 85mm and is usually constrained to just early mornings and late evenings, so there’s generally abounding of blue atmosphere and sun throughout the day. With humidity at just 60%, May is one of the smallest sweat-inducing months in Bali Weather
Information about current weather in bali and Bali Indonesia weather year round/Bali monthly weather(weather in bali in january, weather in bali in february, weather in bali in march, weather in bali in april, weather in bali in may, weather in bali in june, weather in bali in july, weather in bali in august, weather in bali in september, weather in bali in october, weather in bali in november, weather in bali in december) also important for travelers who want visit Bali Island to vacation.

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