Bali Weather in January Forecast Info

Want to know about Bali Weather in January Forecast Information for holidays Lovers!Plan to holidays in Bali island, first step is knowing Bali Weather including climate, 7 day weather forecast and bali weather year round plus booking hotel and flight ticket. If you plan to trip on January 2013, you should know about Bali Weather in January Forecast Information and up date condition.

Bali Weather in January is the wettest month of the year in Bali island, Indonesia. It’s the peak of the annual damp time of the year and visitors can anticipate around 300mm of rainfall throughout the month. Skies will be mostly overcast, with rainfall dropping all through the day. With the high precipitation and high temperatures comes high humidity; round 85%. This makes January one of the most humid months of the year.

To get away the rainfall and experience some of the exclusive art talents in Bali, as well as become acquainted with the Balinese heritage, take in one of the two daily displays at the Kuta Theater. The hour long performance focuses on the religious convictions on the Bali island and how it affects life, friendships and relationships. displays begin at 5pm and 8pm every day and cost just £6.50. 

Bali Weather in January Forecast Information Table
Bali Weather in January Forecast Info
Hours of Sunshine (Daily)= 8 Hours of Bright Sunshine per day (60% of Daylight Hours) in January in Bali (Denpasar) 
Hours of Daylight (Daily)= 13 Hours of Daylight in January in Bali (Denpasar)
Heat and Humidity Discomfort= High Heat & Humidity in January in Bali (Denpasar)
Days with some Rainfall= 20 Days with some Rainfall in January in Bali (Denpasar)
Monthly Rainfall (mm)= 319 mm (12.6 inches) Monthly Rainfall in January in Bali (Denpasar)
UV Index (Maximum)= UV (Maximum) Index 11+ (Extreme) in January in Bali (Denpasar)
Sea Temperature (°C)= 29°C (84°F) Sea Temperature in January in Bali (Denpasar) 
See also detail about Bali Weather in February 2013 Forecast
Information about current weather in bali and Bali Indonesia weather year round/Bali monthly weather(weather in bali in january, weather in bali in february, weather in bali in march, weather in bali in april, weather in bali in may, weather in bali in june, weather in bali in july, weather in bali in august, weather in bali in september, weather in bali in october, weather in bali in november, weather in bali in december) also important for travelers who want visit Bali Island to vacation.

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