Bali Weather Information and Time When to go for Bali Vacation

Bali Weather Forecast Map : Complete Bali Weather Information and Time When to go for Bali Vacation Tips and Guide!.Knowing about Bali Weather Information including bali weather year round and best time When to go for Bali Vacation are first step before you make great holidays in Bali beside booking a hotel and flight ticket.

Bali located at latitude 08 45S and longitude 115 10E, which locations it solidly in the topics. Accordingly, mean year-round temperatures are a balmy 26°C to 29°C (80°F -- 85°F) varying only with altitude. The mean temperatures in the central hills are 18°C to 24°C (64°F -- 75°F). Days are generally 12 hours long year-round.

Bali Weather Information and Time When to go for Bali Vacation
In general, Bali island and Lombok island have similar weather, though Lombok is dehydrated and obtains less rain than Bali. The warm and sticky rainy time of the year lasts October to stride with downpours that can obscure all visibility. The damp season brings daily rainfall with the inferior falling between December and February. From June to August, the warmth drops slightly and there is generally a refreshing coolinging breeze in the air. Humidity is high during the rainy time of the year and better in the dry time of the year.
The popular dry time of the year, mentioned to as "summer" by the locals even though it is the south hemisphere, is cooler and much more pleasing. The best time to visit is throughout the dry season from April to October. This is also high time of the year simultaneously with Christmas and New Year, when most Bali hotels and villas will charge higher rates. December and January are characterized by rapid and short thunderstorms in the afternoon, though occasionally it can rain for days, flooding all the rivers and streets. 

Best Time When to go for Bali Vacation
Low Season: January 9 to June 30; September 16 to December 20. reduced season is a large time to negotiate agreements on accommodations and find bargain inn packages.

High Season: July; September 1 to September 15; Chinese New Year and Easter week. Bali Accommodation is hard to find and almost as costly as peak season. streets aren't as congested as at peak, but it is still difficult to get round with alleviate.

Peak Season: August; December 20 to January 9. Although the climate in August is cooler than the rest of the year and there is very little rainfall, December's climate is hot and humidity is high. During top season, Bali is bursting at the seams with visitors. The streets become heavily congested and dinner bookings are hard to get. Expect to pay almost double for accommodations; shopkeepers will drive a hard cut-rate.
Information about Bali weather year round/Bali monthly weather(weather in bali in january, weather in bali in february, weather in bali in march, weather in bali in april, weather in bali in may, weather in bali in june, weather in bali in july, weather in bali in august, weather in bali in september, weather in bali in october, weather in bali in november, weather in bali in december) also important for travelers who want visit Bali Island to vacation.

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