Bali Tourism Map: The Beauty Of Jemur Island

 cluster of islands consisting of several islands BaliTourismMap: The Beauty of Jemur Island
Jemur Island
Jemur Island  is business office of the many attractions  Rokan Hilir (Rohil). 'Jemur Island' surface area is a  cluster of islands consisting of several islands, namely  Tekong Emas island, Tekong Simbang island, Labuhan bilik isle and  other modest islands. The islands  who located in  the 'Jemur Island'  forming a circle hence that its centre is teach a calm sea.  In the northwest monsoon arrives,  waves inwards the Strait of Malacca is really large hence that the fishermen who were angling nearby waters of 'Jemur island' is  unremarkably took refuge in  the middle of the Jemur Island which at that spot is a calm sea
 cluster of islands consisting of several islands BaliTourismMap: The Beauty of Jemur Island
Sea turtles of Jemur Island
After the  tempest waves to shrink or decrease in addition to then the fishermen went out to showtime the activity of catching fish again.  'Jemur Island' has  beautiful natural scenery, inwards add-on to the 'Jemur Island' which really rich inwards marine products, inwards this isle at that spot are lots of bounding main turtles. the turtles is upward to the beach in addition to pose eggs,  the turtle pose her eggs  on the bottom layer of sand beach, this endangered species tin flame pose 100 to 150 grains of each tail.

To growth the release of green  Sea Turtle populations,  the authorities of Rokan  Hilir held the  turtle breeding to prevent  extinction of this endangered species.

 cluster of islands consisting of several islands BaliTourismMap: The Beauty of Jemur Island
'Jemur Island' is located  only about 45 miles from  the upper-case missive of the alphabet of Rokan Hilir, Bagansiapiapi  in addition to 45mil from neighboring countries namely Malaysia, patch the  North Sumatra say that is closest to the 'Jemur Island'. In add-on to the 'Jemur Island' at that spot are several other tourism potential,  including the Japanese Cave,  Beacon Tower, a old human footprints, leap bones, the remains of Japan's defense, rock  Screen Commander, Marine Park in addition to golden sandy beaches.

How to teach there?

There is no regular shipping to the island. However, i tin flame rent a speedboat from Bagansiapiapi (takes close 1.5–2 hours) or Panipahan  (takes close 1 hour).

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