Weather in Bali in December 2013 for Tourists Reference

Want to get detail about Weather in Bali in December 2013 for Tourists Reference before go to Bali island for holiday! Knowing about December Weather forecast in Bali plus best time when to go visiting Bali island and early booking a fit hotel for your budget and flight ticket are first step before you make great holidays in island of gods beside booking a hotel and flight ticket. If you plan visiting Bali on December 2013, searching info about Bali Weather December 2013 Forecast is a must. 

Below Weather Forecast in Bali December 2013

Weather in Bali in December 2013 for Tourists Reference,Weather Forecast in Bali December 2013,bali weather forecast in december 2013
Weather in Bali in December 2013 sees similar temperatures to the preceding month; that’s 23°C to 30°C on mean. It’s a far cry from the sub none situation back in the United Kingdom, with not a snowflake in view.

Weather in Bali in December 2013 sees a huge spike in rainfall, with 295mm expected on average. The monsoon time of the year has reached, and numerous of the December days will be cloudy, overcast and damp most of the day. With 85% humidity, Weather in Bali in December 2013 is one of the most humid months of the year in Bali island. 

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