Things to do in Bali Travel Map: Sugihan Ceremony - A Symbol Of Purification

Sugihan Ceremony, Sugihan Bali dan Sugihan Jawa, Hari Raya Sugian

The Sugihan ceremony (or Sugian) commenced the calendar week earlier Galungan. The Balinese Hindus volition celebrate the ceremony flavor consecutively, which is a symbol of purification, consist of: Sugian Tenten, Sugian Jawa together with Sugian Bali. Thirdly this ceremony falls on Wuku Sungsang, celebrated every 210 days.

Sugihan Tenten is the kickoff Sugian, celebrated on Wed Pon wuku Sungsang. The give-and-take "tenten" identified amongst "enten" which way "remember", reminding that Galungan volition arrive. All obligations must live on prepared.

 The Balinese Hindus volition celebrate the ceremony flavor consecutively Things to do in Bali Travel Map: Sugihan Ceremony - H5N1 Symbol of Purification

Sugihan Jawa, the minute Sugian, celebrated on Th Wage wuku Sungsang, is the hateful solar daytime later Sugian Tenten. Sugian Java aims to purify the universe or Bhuana Agung (macro-cosmos), both cloth together with spiritual.

Sugihan Bali, the 3rd Sugihan, celebrated on Fri Kliwon wuku Sungsang, is the hateful solar daytime later Sugian Jawa. Sugian Bali aims to purify oneself or Bhuana Alit (micro-cosmos), past times pleading tirta or "penglukatan".

In practice, Sugihan Bali together with Sugihan Jawa, near Balinese celebrate both. While others were celebrating separately, solely celebrate Sugian Bali or only Sugian Jawa.

Although the ceremony of Sugihan intended equally a symbol of purification (cleansing) of macro-cosmos together with micro-cosmos, but each private or grouping inwards Bali has its ain history. Of course of educational activity this tin non live on simplified, or live on generalized, or fifty-fifty blame whatsoever detail tradition.

The Sugihan Ceremony should live on seen equally an campaign to Pb the people (Balinese) inwards carrying out whatsoever activities or ceremonies, to live on ever based on the path of dharma together with purity.


  2. _ Galungan _ on March 25, 2017
  3. Eiseman, Fred B. (Sep 13, 2011). “Bali: Sekala & Niskala: Sekala & Niskala". Tuttle Publishing. ISBN 9781462900923. Accessed on March 25, 2017.
  4. Image : Original Collection

Searches on this site related to Sugihan Ceremony:

1. Tumpek Uduh
2. Galungan Ceremony


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