Bali Weather Forecast August 2014 for Tourists Reference

Normally Bali island Tourists make preparation such as book hotel, flight ticket and looking for Bali travel map, Bali forecast weather including 7 day forecast weather plus Bali island weather year round and Bali climate before make a holiday. If you have plan vacation to Bali island in August 2014, better you know about Bali Weather Forecast August 2014.

Bali island provide first class surfing experience and diving, truly incredible sunbathing opportunities and plenty of scenic to explore. August 2014 is usually the last of the ‘cool’ months forecast weather in Bali island, but with temperatures until 31 °C and lowering up to 23 °C, it’s barely cold in Bali island. These temperatures are generally more snug than the higher warms up at the starting and end of the year.

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