Gunung Lebah Temple Ubud Location Map

Gunung Lebah Temple in Ubud is one of famous Pura/temple in Ubud area as tourists destinations attractions. Temple of Gunung Lebah or Pura Gunung Lebah located on Ubud area, Bali island, Indonesia. For easy get street guidance direction you should have Gunung Lebah Temple Ubud Location Map.

Following Location Map of Gunung Lebah Temple Ubud:
Gunung Lebah Temple Ubud Location Map,Location Map of Gunung Lebah Temple Ubud,Temple of Gunung Lebah Pura Gunung Lebah Accommodation Destinations Attractions Hotels Maps Photos Pictures

Pura Gunung Lebah Location Map
Gunung Lebah Temple Ubud Location Map,Location Map of Gunung Lebah Temple Ubud,Temple of Gunung Lebah Pura Gunung Lebah Accommodation Destinations Attractions Hotels Maps Photos Pictures
image source:

Temple of Gunung Lebah Photo
Gunung Lebah Temple Ubud Location Map,Location Map of Gunung Lebah Temple Ubud,Temple of Gunung Lebah Pura Gunung Lebah Accommodation Destinations Attractions Hotels Maps Photos Pictures
image source: panoramio

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